August 18, 2009

Pupil Tree Prep School

Size: 2000 Sqft
Cost: Rs 7 Lakhs

The challenge was to create a prep school around an existing structure, without destroying it. The design involved adding a rectangular office block containing the admin. and waiting  area to the front of the existing structure, the rear area was developed into classrooms and service areas.
Common areas were worked out to incorporate multiple functions to achieve a compact and streamlined design. For example the back corridor doubles up as a stage for the small amphitheater.
The roofs were made of  Kadappa stone slabs over wooden rafters (Madras roof) that accentuate the rustic feel to the building.Windows in the rear class rooms were eliminated to make way for low height doors that  children can walk through thus acting as additional exists that doubled up as light sources when open. Skylights were incorporated into the ceilings to bring in additional light and reduce dependency on artificial light.
The Pupiltree prep school - Parvatinagar was built in association with Center for vernacular architecture.
You can view more pictures of Pupiltree prep school on our picasa photostream

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