August 18, 2009

Prabha Eye Clinic

Size: 12000 Sqft
Cost: Rs 60 Lakhs
Type: Renovation

Projecting a new image, reflecting the new techniques in eye correction was the principal behind the total renovation of prabha eye clinic. The whole setup was scaled down to half its original size, the consultation, optical showroom; waiting and the reception were altered. Additional operation theaters were added with due care in terms of circulation and a sterile environment. These alterations were carried out without disturbing the existing structure. The RCC band in 2 locations was dismantled to break the monotony of the existing elevation. The bands were painted over to give a smooth and clean feel to the place. An atrium was added in front to accentuate the entry and have a visual connection with the outside. In totality the design smoothly integrated the client’s requirements of economy and additional facilities with the primary aim of total change in the image of the building.

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